Monday, October 18, 2004

Kit's Say On: Engagement

heyla people...

since my althie can't blog right now, i think it's only fair that i post something.. just to maintain your interest.

engagements & weddings are something pretty close to my heart. my cousins and friends are getting engaged/hitched all around me. and me? well, it used to be when people asked me when my turn would come, usually i'd answer

(a) i'm lesbian (if it's someone who can take that kinda joke)
(b) carikan la!! (if it's someone from the older generation whom i can joke with)
(c) bila dah jodoh, jadi la... (if it's someone i don't really know.. heheh)

nowadays, when people ask me about getting married or stuff like that.. it's usually when i'm in the heart of all the activity, and i answer with a little smile playing across my lips because i've got a secret.... a very dear secret, one that i'm....

........not telling!!

hehehe. hope your fasting (if you are) is going well. mine is. *smile*


Blogger Suhaimi said...

(a) i'm lesbian - ko mmg kelakau ler kit
(b) carikan la!! - althie kan ader suruh la dia carikan..hehhehe
(c) bila dah jodoh, jadi la... - aku dulu pun ckp mcm nie gak..hehheee

5:31 PM  
Blogger Althie said...

(a) i'm lesbian - hmmmm, interesting, dont want to end up like ross though :-)

(b) carikan la!! - ooops, no kitty, that comment is definately out of the window now and sen, takkan ler aku nak carikan lagi, bukan dah jumper ker? :-)

(c) bila dah jodoh, jadi la... - sokong 100%... hehehe kang sebut kang tempting fate so.. i know u understand dear

*scratching my head* wonder what secret she is referring to ??

5:45 AM  
Blogger Kit Pryde said...

suhaimi - yes, kit nakal. tapi tu jawapan2 DULU la. skang ni kit senyum je.. hehehe. senyum bermakna tu.. ada la secret di sebalik my smile.. hahahah...

althie - please see reply above. and yes, dah jumpa, insya-Allah... what's my secret? *laugh* if i told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore, now would it?? but to be fair, althie.. you know what the secret is.. your friends je tak tahu.. *chuckles wickedly*

4:30 PM  

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