Tuesday, April 26, 2005

not here nor there.. or never here?

hi again yall.

pondering blogging, it led to me counting off on my hand just how many websites do i have my finger in. and the answers are as below:-
  1. moderating (hahahah) at jiwang.org
  2. Nightramblings@FlawedPerfection - by Insomniac, Sparklin', Strictly Beautiful (who'll be at my engagement and one of photographers asked for an introduction...no prizes for correct answers, aaa...) and yours truly..
  3. My own blog
  4. THIS blog (which is supposed to be althie's but he's too busy/don't have internet access... etc, etc).

so kena tukar la title blog ni. not, "not here nor there" but "not here" je. *grins*

we are the blog. join us.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

open letter to my future, would-be photographers + friend

dear cikli, bayam and azam,

minolta? minolta pun minolta la. i know yall will do the best you can. *grin*


cikli and bayam tak sure lagi ke about taking pics for the event? (cheh... event.. muahahahaha...) kit tak tahu, althie yg kata yall will be there to take pics.

oh, and before i forget....yall can come up to the room AFTER i'm ready to take pics. i can just imagine the look on althie's face if he reads me saying here his friends can go up to my room without any clear conditions mentioned....... knowing, unfortunately, hehehehe, the way guys think, i think i should state that the photographers can take pics of me ready and waiting for the rombongan to sampai.

*kit shudders* god, i don't WANT to think about that just yet. *cringe*

uh... as i was saying, i want pics of me and my sisters and girlfriends... me with syaqirein, numero uno in life - my baby nephew. i guess i just want memories of me, moments before i begin to belong to someone else than just my family..

*sighs deeply*

but if bayam/cikli tak mo jadik the photographers.... umm... tak tahu la. guess i'll ask my cousins to take pics of the event. she's only 17, so if she screws up the pics, i can always scream at althie. muahahahaha.

and azam.. FYI, kit DENGAR aper yg azam cakap kat althie hari tu. if u were in front of us and said that...if looks could kill, azam would be part of a kebab. hehehe.

yall ni nakal la. *sighs*


kit dh tukar from cheli (omar's spelling) to cikli (which i prefer, honestly). if omar asks me why i change to cikli i can tell him he's outvoted. thanks bayam!!!


bayam & cikli - nanti get the address from althie. if not, you can always sms me (yall have my number, right?)

zyrin- heartsis, you'll be among the first to view those pics. on the condition i get them pics cepat la. hehehe.

we are the blog. join us.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


it's official...

it'll be happening on the 1st of May. insya-Allah... Bayam & Cheli will be there to take pictures.

what's that? am i nervous?

are you crazy?

of course i'm nervous. i'm so nervous i drop things all the time!!!!

does that answer any questions?

remember this is one of those girls who embraced being committed-phobic wholeheartedly.

God, let me get through this safely and with grace. amin....

we are the blog. join us.