Monday, March 14, 2005

betul2 jalan cari makan

ok, ok, che li... update la ni ha.

so yesterday althie & me followed a bunch of people from althie's office to go makan. the plan was, go meet up, drive to Port Klang and EAT.

sounds easy, right? kan? kan?


late afternoon me and althie were making our way to Kelana Jaya LRT station. pick them people up, convoy to Klang exit (near the Bukit Raja Parade). Wait. and Wait. and WAIT some more.

orang dah la tak makan lunch. memang la lapar. lapar lapar lapar. finally, althie gave in to my hungry whines and bought me a drink. (i'm on a diet. *rolls eyes*)

after waiting for about half an hour (and being introduced to althie's officemates), we finally made our way on the last leg of the journey. (god,don't ask me why it's called the last leg. it just IS).

reached the restaurant (which is kinda sorta on a jetty. hahaha. jetty? my writing skills have deteriorated most pitifully). well, yall know what i mean. the lantai all made of wood and althie kinda dragged me onto it. actually, i was kinda thinking if i drop into this river, i'm gonna swim out and pummel my baby to bruises.

but i digress. hahaha.

we got nice tables and waited for the food to arrive.

and how the food arrived. we ate. and ate. and ate. and ate.

i stopped eating after feeding althie a few times. can you believe the man? makes me peel his prawns. ader ke patut??

hehehehe. i don't mind, really. and besides, althie gak yg letakkan food on my plate. i'm too malas to bangun and lean over the table to get lauk. *giggle*

one of his friends, a girl who sat to me, this cute little chinese girl... god, she could EAT!! crab la. she had a lot of crab. hehehe. she's that way cos she's so hungry. when she's hungry, she don't care, she'll just eat and eat.

it was kinda late by the time althie sent me home. something he said made me laugh hard. ni teringat pun tergelak. tambah2 lagi althie buat muka cute/nakal dia masa dia cakap... isk isk.. hehehehe.... cute giler.

aper dia cakap? hahaha. tanya la kat althie sendiri!! *grin*

why la the office is so cold today??

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