Thursday, December 30, 2004


hi all, just dropping by to tell all those interested that yes, i have recieved a job offer from HDPM (HSBC Data Processing Malaysia) and unless something major comes along like any other offers from the telecommunications industry or such i will be taking up the job offer. Have to report in on the 10th of january but need to be in kl earlier coz have to attend a company sponsored medical checkup... welll, anyway, congrats to moi hehehe and thanks to evryone that helped me secure this job (albeit at a lower starting salary that i expected... *sigh* there goes the idea of going clubbing every weekened hehehe) especially kitty, without your help i wouldnt have been able to get the job and also to Mr. Kiet of HDPM who found a place for me to start earlier, if not i would have been starting on the 7th of Febuary, thank god im starting in january, as welll as penghuni-penghuni kelaput yang telah menumpangkan saya di kelaput selama proses mencari kerja, guys, you know who u are.. anyway, that alll folks, see you around

Thursday, December 23, 2004

and the winner is......


hi guys...
i'm here on orders. *kit nods seriously* yes, orders from the great master himself - Althalus aka Althie (those of you who call him by other nicknames not stated here, please email me at and let me know. *laughs wickedly*)
althie said to post that he's gone through the interview sucessfully & just waiting for the company to advise him the exact date in Jan that he'll be starting work. so, Insya-Allah he'll be in KL from next month!

yay, althie!!!

of cos, this means that there wont be much blogging by althie until he gets internet connection at his new place in KL/Klang Valley...{as opposed to Kinta Valley which he's currently in right now...} hopefully he'll be able to stay at kelaput with the rest of them young & dangerous guys - bayam, cikli...& the gang la (sorry, i don't know who the rest are). *giggles*

stay tuned for further updates!!

p.s: i guess since althie is abt to start working in KL, i better start brushing up on my girly skills. .. hopefully it wont be too long until our hopes & dreams come true....insya-Allah...*smiles*

we are the blog. join us.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

absence and insurance

hi everyone! *looking around to see if there's anyone there* hmmm macam tak ader orang jer... maybe ill just steal in and leave a new post since im here and to stop someone from nagging me further hehehe, brace yourself guys and gals, i feel a long blog post building up and just salivating to be let loose on all unsuspecting readers... be warned, it may be extremelyyyyyy long

let me start by explaining my absence, the last time i blogged on my blog was on the 21st October 2004 and if memory serves *yes, sometimes i feel my memory slipping even though im just at the young tender age of 27* that was before raya so my first period of absence was due to raya preparations and recuperating from raya celebrations, after that went to kl for the long awaited *by me laa* meeting with my dearest kit... sebulan tak jumper wor... rindunyer tak
terkira hehe sampai overshot sehari hehehe. I was then tied up with work needing to submit my assignments so was on the pc and ym but by the time i had any free time was sick and tired of being in front of the pc so didnt blog....

this brings me to the week before last where i attended an interview for the post of Global Service Executive with HSBC, which i naively thought would only be for one day whereas it turned out to be the first step in a 4 step interview process... ill blog about the whole experience tomorrow coz if i include this in this post some of you might fall asleep reading it hehehe suffice to say i am now waiting for the results of my final interview and whether or not i get the job/post or not.

so, hopefully that explains my absence more thoroughly and detailed than just "plain lazy" as someone so eleqountly put it.....

oh, before i forget would like to welcome a close friend to the blogging community mssr. cikli hehehe new to blogging and newest tenent to the apartment cum condo in kelana jaya affectionately reffered to as kelaput... have added a link to his blog in the link section feel free to check it out *promo kasi baiknyer cikli, satgi belanja tau hehehe*

well, now on to the other subject in the title, insurance. And before any of you shy away thinking "he's x become an insurance agent and am trying to promote his insurance on the blog is he" i better inform you that although i am an insurance agent *dont ask, long story* i am not active and it is not my intention to promote any which brand or policy of insurance here... just been thinking about insurance and all its various incarnations and would just like to share what ive found out with you all. Bear in mind though that i am a novice in this insurance thingy and anyone with more knowledge who happens to read this blog,i apologise if i make any glaring ommisisons or mistakes when talking about insurance *grin* i assure you , i wont be doing it on purpose, feel free to correct me in the comments.

ive been thinking about insurance these past few days and how its something that i have never really thought about... and not really been thinking about mortality and all that but just in case injuries or all that and investment. What brought it up? well, i was reading Reader's Digest and came upon a paid advertisement money something something that touches on how u mange ur money and there was a section devoted to insurance and investment schemes that are offered
by insurance companies. It just got me to thinking, im 27 and have no real savings or investments or insurance coverage if anyhing happens to me. I do have SOCSO but that only covers work related incidents/accidents. So i began to take an interest in the insurance thingy and remembered i sat for the insurance agent exam before... queried mum and she confirmed that i do have the license???? *is that whats it called* but the agreement???? *is that whats it
with MAA, the sponser of my exam at that time has expired so even though i have passed the exam i am not the agent of any insurance company.

Saw a newsletter cum magazine from OAC lying around the house just now so picked it up and started reading, FYI my mum is a active insurance agent for,yes you've guessed it, OAC, now part of the family of Great Eastern *grin*. Was reading through it when i saw this new insurance scheme being introduced for travellers. Its a very complete package for only a measly sum with great coverage and services. Let me give you an examples, RM 50 for you and your spouse on
a two way trip anywhere in the Asean region for 1-5 days, with death and disabilty coverage, medical expenses up to RM 50k per person for accidents and RM 2k for illness. It even coves you for loss baggage at RM500 per person, flight delay up to RM 2k and even hijacking inconvenience of RM 200 a day up to a maximum of RM 2K. this i find a little absurd coz they even cover hijacking, for crying out loud ,HIJACKING???? hehehe was laughing at first but i guess if ur hijacked and set free at least ull get RM 200 per day u stay with the hijackers assuming that you get out alive laa.

Moving on, they even provide services worldwide where you can call collect or reverse cahrge and request medical emergency evacuations if the need arises with all the charges bourne by the insurance company. It even will fly in a relative or friend to visit you if ur hospitalised overseas for more than 7 days. All that for RM50. And its not just limited to ASEAN countries, going to europe? RM 58 will get u the same benefits for the same duration, US or canada? only RM 63 for max of 5 days. If ur going for 2 weeks it only comes to Rm 100 - Rm 110 for
the duration that you spend on holiday.Isnt that a fair amount for you piece of mind when ur away from home sweet home and your not really familiar with the place your visiting? It seems a fair price to me, I highly recommend it to everyone planning overseas trips, hear me cookie?? *grin* or even honeymoons, at least you'll be covered for your trip and if shit happens you have something to fall back on.

Still waiting to find out about the insurance/investment thingy, need to do more research, maybe when ill get the info ill post up my finding on the blog. Sleepy now, think ill leave this post at that but just before i go, did anyone know that there are insurance coverage for golfers too? cikli? listening? Coverage if you lose ur equipment, break them, get hit in the head by errant golf balls and even if you get a hole-in-one and need to belanja everyone in the clubhouse as per tradition. Hehehe, they are insuring everything now.......

c ya guys.

ps: and since when has my kit been so influenced by star trek with the we are the blog. join us. thingy?? *sigh* got to keep watch on her intake of sci-fi reruns on astro

lame excuses and football


ok, kit nak ramble2 nih. since althie sibuk sgt tak post, terpaksa la kit the PA post utk dier...

Issue 1.

naper ramai sangat guys yg dh married/in a relationship still ngorat pompuan lain/have girlfriends?

ader article kit baca kata, sebab this kind of thing happens can be explained biologically. supposedly, the objective of the human male's subconscious is to make sure the human race continues. so the human male's brain and body is programmed to try and impregnate as many attractive women as he possibly can.

heh. sounds like a damned LAME excuse to be unfaithful to me.

actually, i don't mind althie looking. *kit grins evilly as she sharpens her favorite knives*. nah, just kidding. all i'm saying is, if althie does more than look and the girl he's ogling turns round and does him bodily harm, i'm outta there. i don't wanna get beaten up by some outraged chick. that's all. *lol*

Issue 2.

football.... also known as footy. nih kit nak gitau sket la. kit tak tahu langsung about football, actually. (just my luck to get hooked to a guy who's a football fanatic! heh!)

football nih.. best gak la. i mean, where else do you get to se a man run around in skimpy shorts, (showing off that great physique, muahahaha) and maybe even take his shirt off? *wolf whistles and giggles mischieviously*

what? you think only boys ogle girls? wake up and smell the perfume, boys. some girls are just as naughty as you are. we can be even naughtier, in fact. we just don't want to remind you of that fact too often. we don't want to disillusion you poor darlings. muahahahahahahha. muahahahahhaha. muahahahahha.. oh yeah. let me watch football players anytime, dahling!

anyway, back to football. i understand the fascination most men have with football (or any other sports). some of my questions are... why is the ball made up of black and white thingamajigs? why do they take off their shirts after scoring a goal?

and between football and your girl, which would you choose?
ok, itu je kit nak post ari nih. sajer je stirring up the waters to get a response out of this blog's readers. *grins evilly*

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