Saturday, August 21, 2004

i know ,i know, im cheating here, cant seem to find the time to blog, just waiting for the creative juices to start overflowing again , so, for the time being, i present to you, something posted originally yb mhakimab (mr. mod) at Pinjam yer kim...


If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle,do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. All situations will be resolved, but in HIS time, not yours

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

If you find yourself stuck in traffic; Don't despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.

Should you have a bad day at work; Think of the man who has been out of work for years

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad; Think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return

Should you grieve the passing of another weekend; Think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children

Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance; Think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.

Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror; Think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.

Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose?
Be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.

Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness,ignorance, smallness or insecurities;

Remember, things could be worse.
You could be one of them..........................................................................

Friday, August 20, 2004

hmmm, interesting

well, was browsing around jiwang's forums and found this post, thought id share it with you all. (actually i seem to have a writers block these 2-3 days, nothing to write about, so rather than leave the blog empty ..... ) posted by mubarax originally at jiwang. i just did some editing to the post to make it more readable ......

posted by mubarax at

Dua manusia yang merasa saling berjodoh pastimemiliki ikatan emosional, spiritual dan fizikal antara keduanya.Hanya dengan menatap mata atau mendengar suaranya, kita akan merasakan getaran dan seolah ingin terus bersamanya. Benarkah seperti itu? Lalu, apakah ada petanda lainnya agar seseorang dapat merasakan bahawa si dia jodoh (soulmate) kita atau bukan?

Petanda 1
Rahsia sepasang kekasih agar dapat memiliki usia hubungan yang panjang adalah dengan adanya saling kerjasama. Kamu dan dia selalu dapat saling membantu, dalam urusan remeh atau besar. Paling penting adalah kamu berdua selalu dapat melalui segala aspek kehidupan secara bersama-sama. Dan semuanya terasa amat menyenangkan meskipun tanpa harus melibatkan orang lain. Apakah kamu sudah merasakan perkara tersebut? Jika ya, selamat... kerana ada harapan bahawa dia adalah calon pendamping hidup kamu!

Petanda 2
Salah satu kriteria yang menentukan sesuai atau tidaknya dia sebagai jodoh kamu atau bukan adalah kemampuannya bersikap bersahaja di depan kamu. Cuba sekarang perhatikan, apakah gerak-gerinya,caranya berpakaian, gaya rambutnya, caranya berbicara serta tertawanya mengesankan apa adanya? Apakah setiap ucapannya selalu tampak spontan dan tidak dibuat-buat? Jika tidak, maaf kemungkinan besar dia bukan jodoh kamu!

Petanda 3
Adanya deria batiniah membuat hati kamu berdua dapat selalu saling tahu. Dan bila kamu atau si dia dapat saling membaca fikiran dan menduga reaksi serta perasaannya satu sama lainnya pada situasi tertentu. Selamat! Sebenarnya dialah destini kebahagian kamu...

Petanda 4
Bersamanya dapat membuat perasaan kamu menjadi tenang, selesa dan tanpa perasaan tertekan.Berjam-jam bersamanya, setiap waktu dan setiap hari tanpa membuat kamu merasa bosan... Inilah petanda bahawa kamu berdua kelak akan saling terikat.

Petanda 5
Dia selalu ada untuk kamu dalam situasi apa pun.Dan dia selalu dapat memahami situasi dalam hatikamu baik dalam suka dan duka. Percayalah pasangan yang berjodoh pasti tak takut mengalami pasang-surut, suka-duka saat bersama. Sekarang, ingat-ingat kembali. Apakah dia orang pertama yang datang memberi bantuan tatkala kamu dirundung musibah? Dia selalu faham saat emosi kamu terganggu? Dia tahu keadaan waktu anda sakit? Jika ya, tak salah lagi. Dialah orangnya...

Petanda 6
Dia tak terlalu peduli dengan masa lalu keluarga kamu, dia tak peduli dengan masa lalu kamu saat bersama kekasih terdahulu. Dia juga tak malu-malu menceritakan masa lalunya... Nah, kalau begitu ini bisa berarti dia sudah siap menerima kamu apa adanya..

Petanda 7
Setiap orang pasti memiliki kekurangan, dan kamu tak malu-malu memperlihatkannya pada si dia. Bahkan pada saat kamu tampil 'buruk' di depannyasekalipun, misalnya saat kamu bangun tidur atausaat kamu sakit dan tak mandi selama dua hari.Ataupun menceritakan sejujurnya kepada kamu tentang kelemahan dan kekurangannya... Nah! Kamudan dia memangnya disuratkan untuk bersama!

Petanda 8
Bila merasa rahsia kamu bisa lebih selamat ditangannya daripada di tangan sahabat-sahabat kamu yang lain. Atau kamu merasa sudah tak dapat lagi menyimpan rahsia apapun darinya, maka berbahagialah! Kerana ini bererti pasangan sejati telah kamu temukan!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Sunday was quite tiring. Woke up early, *that's a rare occurance now* and drove to Kuala Lumpur with my parents. Destination , Mines International Exhibition and Convention Center , to attend the 1st Malaysian International Halal Showcase. I was the designated driver, so got dragged out of bed at 8:00 by my mum. The original plan was to be on the road by 8:00 but yours truly couldnt get up, what with all the excitement of Liverpool vs Tottenham as well as Akedemi Fantasia's final concert the night before, i only crawled into bed at around 2:30 am. I know, i know, should have gone to bed earlier since i knew i had to wake up early, but adrenaline kept me awake, not to mention nicotine :-) so what's a guy supposed to do. I could have popped a sleeping pill, but then, they arent good for your health and i would probaby be unwakeable the next morning....

So, contrary to our initial plan, we only left home at 9:15 but before you guys start blaming me for being late, let me tell you, i was ready by 8:30, we could have gone by then but me mum wasnt ready yet. Women need longer to get ready, so, it wasnt completely my fault you know. The whole time, dad was grumbling out loud about being late and all the usual stuff, with dirty looks thrown in for good measure. The funny thing was, it seemed exclusively directed in my direction, i wonder why, hehehehe :-)

On the way to kl, we stopped at the tapah R&R for some breakfast, dad's got gastric, so cant go without food for too long...after filling our tanks (as opposed to the cars fuel tank) we continued the journey to the capital, Kuala Lumpur. We reached at about 11:15 am and along the 2 hour journey from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur the main topic of converstaion was.... Akedemi Fantasia 2, specifically the final and the finalist. Amboi, mula lah, yang ayah backing yang lain, mak yang ini, yang itu. peergh, sampai 2 jam topik yang sama, lama tu... pok pek pok pek sembang, akhirnya dah sampai ler kat mines...

In Mihas, went my separate ways at first, just walking around and browsing through the stalls/booths set up. It was huge.... (first time masuk miecc) After exploring and eating loads of free samples hehehe, rejoined my mum to find that she had already started to engage in her favourite activity SHOPPING! Hehehehehehe, i probably shouldnt nag, coz its her hard earned money and all but it always semms she is buying things. Somethimes she can get carried away and start buying things right and left which in the end, end up not being used. Well, she had already started, and when i reached her, was promptly despatched to the car with her new purchases to unload into the car so that she would not have to lug them all around. See what i mean, she was in one of her moods, so started following her around, trying to do some damage control... when im around, she'll ask my opinion and ill go like ummm, aaa, nice, but dont u have something like that already? and sometimes she'll go yeah, i have something like that, and she will move on to other things. Im not saying this works everytime, but it works sometimes. If she really has her heart set on something, mum will probably buy it, no matter what other people say. I remember that flourescent green... but i digress, hehehe.

It was while browsing with mum that i called em, we were smsing before this and she said she was free, so dropped her a call. We talked, she asked what i was doing, told her, escorting my mum shopping, then she asked what my mum bought and at what price, told her, then kena ngomel, katanyer boleh dapat murah lagi ler, design t'gannu lagi best ler hehehehe. Was nice talking to em, even though we couldnt meet. Anyway, we stayed there till around 5:00 then started back home... alhamdulillah selamat sampai di Ipoh pukul 7:30 petang.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

High Tea!!

ahh, saturday, the weekend is here. Had high-tea at a hotel here in Ipoh, celebrating my grandmums birthday. She's .... oops, forgot, not polite to tell a women's age :-). High-Tea, aaaahhh, an excuse to eat as much as you want, hehehehe, used to love high-tea, you would get to eat as much as you want of desserts and sweet cakes. Honestly, cant seem to be as enthusiastic about it now, not that i dont enjoy good food *wink wink* maybe its just because ive grown older and have lost that sweet tooth. To be honest, the hotel food here in Ipoh aint that great, not a lot of variety compared to those on offer by hotels in Kuala Lumpur or Penang, maybe thats another reason why I aint so teruja now. Oh well, so im not so into High-Tea's now, im sure its only a phase *grinning*

Anyway, it was during High-Tea that i received some shocking but delightful news, my aunts getting married. Phew, and about time, i reckon. I'm so happy for her now, she deserves a good husband. Dont know what to say anymore... rasa nak menangis kegembiraan pun ader.... gembira for her

Friday, August 13, 2004

Work! Work! Work!

was not looking forward to posting this blog up, not really sure why, maybe because its something that i wish to forget, but that cant be completely right , coz in a way it was quite fun though tiring. Oops , got sidetracked there. The subject at hand would be the 1 day training that happened on thursday. Got up early on thusday, a rare occurance, and got ready for my first day at work. Was cheerful and full of energy especially when i got a call from the company confirming the time and place where i was supposed to report in. hehehehe, i felt so bangga beb, ya laa siap ada orang call untuk confirm training lagi tu, dalam hati duk kata, ni mesti nak sangat-sangat ambik aku bekerja sampai call berulang kali sebab petang sebelumnyer pun dah call confirm time untuk training.

So, went to work with plenty of time to spare and with car parking space mapped out *did my homework the night before, usha kat maner ada parking murah, see, u learn from experience :-)* Reached the office with plenty of time to spare, parked my car and paid the fee of RM2 to the attendant before going on to have breakfast. After that, reported in and got my assignment, i was supposed to follow a "trainer" Mr. Anthony with his group, going canvassing, promoting digi discover, digi's corporate telecommunication plan. Fair enough, i could have guessed that was what i was going to do. What i couldnt accept was the remuneration package offered, which was fully commisioned based and also on cash terms. This little bit of information was not voluntered to me, i sort of digged it out of the trainer, and by that time, we were already on our way to our assigned zone...... i was stuck doing a job that i found out wouldnt suit me and i had no way back.... aaargh. I only reached the office at 7:30 pm and was dead tired by then, it was juat all i could do to drive back home... seems my luck deserted me a bit, i blame kit for that, her comment probably jinxed me ....

I guess some of you might be wondering whats the problem with the gaji, since it is in CASH!! and wouldnt have to wait for the cheques to clear... well, if it is on cash terms, no employment records are really neccessary, so no need for epf and socso payments from employer and employee , this i find unacceptable, dah ler nak keluar cari customer, kalau apa-apa jadi siapa nak tanggung woiiiii, takder socso semua, mati katak ler. So, am still looking for a job then, any offers???

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Lucky Me

I had a wonderful day yesterday, everything just sortof clicked together for me. I breezed past my job interview, my football (soccer to some) boots that i thought i had lost came back (ill elaborate later) and got confirmation of something i was hoping for....

The day didnt start out very promisingly, woke up feeling dead tired , after preparing and fretting over my first interview till late at night, i realised just in the nick of time that i didnt have a photo to give to my prospective employer... aaarrgh, rushed to have a photo taken, nasib baik ada yang 1 hour express cuci, kalau tak ....

Went for the interview, didnt scout out the place beforehand but luckily i had time to spare, so had plenty of time , or so i thought.. parking was a horror, even for my itsy teeny weeny little car. Grabbed the first parking space that i saw was free, ingatkan dekat ler in the end found out the office was like 100 meters from where i parked.. aaargh, imagine, 1:30 pm and in a shirt, slacks, TIE and the sun literally overhead, i was sweating like a pig (expression only aaaa) when at last i reached the office. NOTE: check out the place beforehand so u at least know where the actual place is, knowing the general vicinity is not enough, as i found out myself.

Suddenly got cold feet right in front of the office (second floor) so i waited downstairs to compose myself and sent a sms to a dear dear friend for support, promptly got a reply assuring me it would be ok and felt my spirits lift. hehehe. Just a little encouragement can make u feel like a whole new man... had a smoke..(it helps, for me laaaa) adjusted sana sini then went up for the interview.

Was ushered into a waiting room, no one else was around, and only after 5 minutes in an empty un-airconditioned room did the clerk/receptionist give me a form to fill in, without even asking for anything, not my resume , nothing. *growl* all that time lost tring to make my resume as professional as can be and it wasnt even asked for *growl*. I was determined to pass it to some one so i made up my mind to give it to the interviewer even if he/she didnt ask for it. A few minutes after filling up the form and returning it, got ushered to the interviewers room and thank god, it had a working air condition. At last! cool air. Did i mention that i was applying for the job as a customer service executive , well if i didnt, im mentioning it now. During the interview, found out what customer service executive really meant! I dont mean to rant, but couldnt they just put sales personnel instead of customer service executive??? It would clear up a lot of misconceptions..... anyway, got the job, in a way, they asked me to report for work on thursday for a 1 day evaluation of me and for me to see them at their work (or so they say) ... we'll see on thursday..

Even better, in the afternoon, after my daily ( i know someone is making a face right now reading this) football kickaround, found my boots placed in the basket of my bike... i had tertinggal them on saturday evening and when i asked around the next day no one remembered seeing them, typical. Maybe the poor soul that had taken it was wrestling with his conscience and finally caved in and returned it to me. Lucky me!

Oh, bout the other thing i mentioned, i think ill keep it secret for the time being .......